Photographs from 'The Trumpeters' production of Riot!, October 2002

Photographs taken during the performance at the Rural Life Centre, Tilford, 6th October 2002 - see photos of performances in 2017
Programme 2002
(Chris Shepheard) —

General view of the set

Scene 3 – "I've heard this before … what makes 1830 so different?"

Scene 5 – You're not the best-loved man in this village, Mr Harrison

Scene 5 – Poverty's come back in fashion

Scene 12 – "Mr Holdaway, may I ask the meaning of all this?"

Scene 12 – Oh, I think you'll find it possible, vicar, if you think about it for a while

Scene 20 – You'd better turn out – they want to pull the place down

Photographs taken posing for the press at Selborne, 12th October 2002 —

The full cast on The Plestor, Selborne:—

Left side: L to R: (standing) Pru Harrold, Jo Smith, Martin Levy, Dil Williamson, Jo Levy, Peter Christopherson, David Irwin, Wendy Downs, Mike Measures, Anthony Williams; (kneeling/sitting) Nick Webb, Nicholas James, Daniel Radford, Tony Grant, John Millais

Right side: L to R: (standing) Mike Measures, Anthony Williams, Simon Coyte, Jean Vivian, John McGregor, Mo Cooke, Rod Sharp, Rachel Whittaker, Georgia Keen, Stan Sharp; (kneeling/sitting) Tony Grant, John Millais, Jamie Stickler, Peter Daruvala, Dale Lodge

The cast walking past Gilbert White House

In Selborne Village Hall:—

L to R: Stan Sharp, Wendy Downs, David Irwin, Georgia Keen, Anthony Williams, John McGregor, Rod Sharp, Mo Cooke

The mob in action

L to R: Peter Daruvala, Pru Harrold, Jean Vivian, Rachel Whittaker

Index of productions