Flora Thompson (1876–1947)
author of
'Lark Rise to Candleford,' 'Heatherley,'
'Still Glides the Stream' and 'The Peverel Papers'

Flora Thompson - bust in Liphook (8K)
Sculpture of Flora Thompson at Liphook by Philip Jackson
Contact: John Owen Smith
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War Memorials to Flora Thompson's brother and son — other photos

The First World War Memorial plaque in Cottisford Church.

Taken from the back cover of 'Cottisford Revisited'

Edwin's grave

Edwin's grave in Flanders.

II.F.3 in Woods Cemetery, Zillebeke.

At the foot of the stone is the inscription, chosen by his mother Emma: 'Thy way not mine O Lord'

Photo by David Burnham, March 2008

Plaque to those lost on the Jedmoor, including Peter Redmond Thompson.

The Jedmoor, carrying wheat, was torpedoed on 16 September 1941.

In the opening chapter of Still Glides the Stream, written in 1945, Flora writes: 'During two world wars … hearts must have been torn with anxiety for the absent, and, at the close of both wars, there must have been those … who mourned amidst the general rejoicings.'

Taken from 'Cottisford Revisited'

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— This web site maintained by John Owen Smith