Rogers' Almanack and Directory of Headley - 1896 [1897]

Published by W Rogers, baker, family grocer, High Street, Headley – Price three-pence – CJ Moody, Printer, Alton

Contents of the 1896 booklet –

Several pages of adverts
p.1 Headley - description of the parish, the Church, the National School, Institute and institutions, entertainments, recreation, local news.
p.5 The Parish Council, benefit societies, registration of births and deaths, post office, carriers, places of worship, markets, weights & measures.
From p.9 (but pages un-numbered from here on):–
Post Office information (1 page)
Interesting gleanings and gatherings (2 pages)
Almanack (2 pages per month = 24 pages)
General information (5 pages)
The Humorous Companion (16 pages)
1895 Headley and District Horticultural Association - names of prize winners and list of prizes (7 pages):
Births in Headley during the past 3 years (2½ pages):
Deaths in Headley during the past 3 years (1 page):
Headley Parish Directory list of names (6 pages)
Several pages of adverts

See also Rogers' Directory for 1889

Advertisements at front:–

Inside cover: Insurance Against Accident coupon ticket

'En Avant' Yeast (sold by Rogers)
W Kendall Benthall, Tailor, Outfitter, Hatter, Hosier and Shirt Maker - 18/19/20 Borough, Farnham
Himalaya Tea Co (sold by Rogers)
Vulcanised India-rubber Stamps, CJ Moody, Printer, etc - Alton
John K King, Royal Seed Establishment - Coggeshall, Essex (sold by Rogers)
Thomas Matthews & Co, Brewers of Ale, Stout, Porter and Pale Ale - West St Brewery, Farnham (sold by Rogers)
Lion-Wattie and Snelling's Tea (sold by Rogers)
Garden Seeds and Requisites (sold by Rogers)
CH Sanders, RDS, Surgeon Dentist - 7 Cyprus Villas, Aldershot - can be consulted at Mr Jeffrey's, The Borough, Farnham every Thursday, 11am till 6pm
'Little Folks' magazine, 6d monthly
'Chums' magazine - The Best and Brightest Paper for Boys, 1d weekly, 6d monthly
Cassell's Saturday Journal, 1d weekly
'Country Cousins', the first part of the new volume of The Magazine of Art, 1/4d monthly
Other titles from Cassell and Company Ltd - Ludgate Hill, London
Amey's Ales & Stout, Petersfield (sold by Rogers)
GH Castle, Silk Mercer and Family Draper - High Street, Alton
Wilcox's Cheapside Clothing Stores - South St, Farnham
W Moore (late Woodbourne), Engineer Iron and Brass Founder, Agricultural Implement Manufacturer, Smith and Wheelwright - Kingsley, near Alton, Hants
Farnham Music Warehouse - South St, Farnham
Slee, Slee & Co Ltd, Makers of Pure Malt Vinegar - Horsleydown, London (sold by Rogers)
Batty & Co, Pickles, Sauces, Jams and Marmalade - 123 & 125 Finsbury Pavement, London (sold by Rogers)
JA Rolls, Tailor, Hosier & Draper - 89 East St, Farnham
RR Rogers, Family Butcher - Arford, Headley
A Carter, Coach & Cart Builder, Painter & Writer to the Trade - Kingsley
W Hogsflesh, Saddler, Collar & Harness Maker - Liphook
H Shill, Ladies' and Gentlemen's Boots and Shoes - White Hill, Blackmoor and High Street, Headley
GF Swain, Fishmonger, Poulterer and Licensed Dealer in Game - 120 West St, Farnham
Colin Kemp, Builder, Painter, Paper-hanger and House Decorator - Fuller's Vale, Headley
Charles Marshall, Coal Merchant (heavy carting work done) - Headley
W Rogers, Corn Merchant - High Street, Headley
George Smith, Carriage Builder, agent for Cycles - Liphook
JJ Windibank, General Smith, Shoeing Smith, Whitesmith, Bell-hanger, Hot Water Fitter, etc - Liphook, Hants
E Beale, Miller and Dealer in English and Foreign Flours, Meals, Offals, Corn and Seeds - Frensham Mills, Farnham, Surrey
James Hewitt, China, Glass and Earthenware Merchant - 14 Borough, Farnham (next to Corn Exchange)
Samuel North, Mechanical Chimney Sweep - Arford, Headley
H Baker, Van, Cart, Wagon and Carriage Builder - Standford

Advertisements at back:–

Moody's Registry Office for Servants - Alton, Hants
Alfred Dunston, Chemist - 49 Borough, Farnham
Henry Gamblen, Dairyman, Coal and Coke Merchant - Headley
Snelling's Tea (sold by Rogers)
AJ Moore, Family Butcher - Headley Road, Grayshott, Hants
Spratt's Patent Chicken and Poultry Meals (sold by Rogers)
JH Viney Jun, Builder, Contractor, House Decorator, Plumber, Hot and Cold Water Fitter - Headley, Liphook - Telegraphic address: 'Viney', Headley, Liphook
Ernest Ranger, Furniture Stores - 105 & 106 West Street, Farnham
S Jeffery, Watch & Clock Maker, Jeweller - opposite the Bush Hotel, Farnham
C Knott, Carpenter, Joiner, Painter, Undertaker, Glazier, etc - White Hill, Blackmoor
D Frost, Coach & Cart Builder, Painter and Writer to the Trade - Frensham, Surrey
G Gauntlett, Coal and Coke Merchant - Liphook
Oscar Gamblen, Carriage Proprietor - next to the Post Office, Headley
Crowley & Co, Brewers - Alton, Hants
M&J Tily, Furnishing and General Ironmongers, Gas and Hot Water Fitters - 7 Castle Street & Long Garden Works, Farnham
'The Quiver' magazine, 6d monthly
Selections from Cassell's New Serial Publications
'Building World', a Practical Journal for all interested in the Building Trades, 1d weekly, 6d monthly
'Work', the Illustrated Weekly Journal for Mechanics, 1d weekly, 6d monthly
Cassell's Family Magazine, 6d monthly
W Rogers, Scotch Whiskey [sic], Glen-Spey, Glenlivet, 3/6d per bottle!! (bottles 1d each returnable)
W Rogers, Corn Dealer - High Street, Headley


HEADLEY is a large parish in the Northern Division of the County of Hants, Alton Union and Petty Sessional Division and Farnham County Court District. It is four miles from Liphook Station on the Portsmouth Direct Railway. The salubrity of the District is accounted for, by its great elevation above the level of the sea. A dry and bracing atmosphere in conjunction with a gravelly soil, makes it a most desirable locality for the erection of country residences. Grayshott, a part of this parish, has come under favourable notice because of this. Several imposing buildings are in the course of construction by a London firm of Builders. Headley too, for the past few years has been making considerable progress. Several pretty villas, chiefly detached, add their tribute to the general beauty of their surroundings. The area of the parish amounts to 6,923 acres, much of which is still uncultivated. The population numbering about 1,783 are chiefly agricultural. The rateable value is £7,074. Both freehold and leasehold sites are obtainable on moderate terms. The principal Landowners are E.B. I'Anson, Esq.; U.J. Burke, Esq., JP; Mrs Kingdon; Y. Knowles, Esq.; Sir Archibald [Kepple] Macdonald, Bart.; E.T. Petar, Esq.; W.T. Phillips, Esq.; A.I. Whitaker, Esq., JP; and Sir R.S. Wright.

The past History of the Church is involved in some obscurity. Enough however is known to warrant historians to assert that. it has had a variable experience. One authority states that nothing remains of the original edifice, the tower excepted, and even that as recently as 1836 had a narrow escape. It is recorded that the parishioners who attended the church on Ascension Day of that year, had a practical demonstration of it by being themselves obliged to ascend through the East window to escape from a fire. The spire was totally destroyed and to the present generation it exists only in their imagination. Whatever the appearance of the church in the past might have been, at present, it may be said with confidence, it shews indications of having received considerable attention. The regime of the present rector being conspicuous for the liberality of the surrounding gentry. The beautifully stained glass windows are well worthy of mention. The East Window which was placed as a memorial to the late rector, the Rev Joseph Ballantine Dykes, who officiated from 1848 to 1872, possesses considerable artistic merit; while the West Window, of recent production, and placed in memory of the late Admiral Parish of Beech Hill, is rendered strikingly effective by the representation of scenery in the life of Our Lord on the sea of Galilee. Several side windows dedicated to the memory of the I'Anson family are gems for the taste and the care shewn in their execution. A screen, elaborately designed by R. Anderson of Edinburgh, has been presented in memorial of the late General Parish. An Organ of considerable power and sweetness of tone, (built by Hele of Plymouth, Devon,) is due to the liberality of public subscribers. There is a surplice choir, well trained, and above the average of village choirs. The church register, dates from the reign of Henry VIII, and the living is the gift of the Provost and Fellows of Queen's College, Oxford. Rector: W, H. Laverty, M.A.; Church-wardens: Messrs. E. B. I'Anson and W. B. Ayling; Sidesmen: Messrs. Charles David and Edwin David; Clerk and Sexton: Mr. W. Gamblin; Organist: Mr. C. H. Beck. A long felt want is supplied by the erection of an Iron Church at Grayshott. The services are conducted by the Rev. W. W. Capes, Rector of Bramshott.

The School was originally built by a former Rector the Rev. G. Holmes, D.D., in 1755. Since which period it has undergone considerable alterations. Within the past three years a substantial class-room has been added to it, and as recent as September 1895 a spacious infant room. The plans for both rooms were submitted to, and accepted by the Education Department. The management of the school is exceptionally well regulated; all the religious denominations of the parish being represented on the Committee. It has been well reported on by H.M. Inspector, and for three years in succession has won the highest award of merit, namely, the "Excellent" grant. There are over 200 children on the registers. Acting Managers: Miss C. B. I'Anson and the Rev. W. R. Laverty. Schoolmaster: Mr. C. H. Beck. There is also a School at Grayshott under Government Inspection, which is solely managed and largely supported by Miss C. B. I' Anson. School-master: Mr. Ward. A Laundry has recently been built at a short distance from the school, and is open to the elder children for practical instruction.

The Headley Flower and Vegetable Show is held under the auspices of the "Headley Horticultural Association." President: The Earl of Selborne. Since its introduction eleven years ago, this show has been steadily increasing in popularity. This no doubt is accounted for to a large extent, by the admirable system under which it is controlled. The lack of confusion, by being in a position to meet all requirements as they arise, indicates an organization which is almost perfect in its usefulness. The Show held in August l895 was witnessed by a large number of spectators, notwithstanding the unfavourable weather. The sun shone forth at favourable intervals, when the spectators witnessed a pleasant feature in the day's programme in the performance of a Military Tournament by the Seaforth Highlanders, who were accompanied by the band of the same regiment. The thanks of the public are due to the Hon. Secretary for his practical efforts in securing sitting accommodation for one thousand people. Moreover these seats are free of charge and advantageously situated. It is hoped that the voluntary and valuable assistance so extensively given last year may be renewed in 1896. Schedules giving information as to prizes, committee, etc., will be published early in the year. Chairman: A. I. Whitaker, Esq.; Vice-chairman: E. Leuchars, Esq.; Treasurer: Mr. W. Rogers; Hon. Sec.: Rev. W. H. Laverty.

The School Trustees still permit the use of the school for an Institute. There has been a gradual increase of members since its introduction in 1891. The members benefit greatly by the extension of the premises, possessing now three rooms instead of the former limited accommodation. Billiards, bagatelle, chess, draughts etc., may now be played in the large class-room. Those who wish to be free from any conversation may use a room reserved for that purpose. The smoking-room is not very large; but those who are fond of smoke and smoking may find it even better than more extensive accommodation. The Library has received some valuable additions during the past year, from ladies and gentlemen who are interested in the work of the Institute. The London daily papers, weekly and monthly periodicals are selected to meet the requirements of the members. The Lectures given during the year were bright and instructive, and were fully appreciated. A series of lectures on Horticulture were given during the months of February and November. Practising classes were formed in connection with them, which were superintended by the lecturer with satisfactory results. Most useful instruction is given to a detached class numbering 27 on "First aid to the injured," and which is associated with St. John's Ambulance Association. It comprises a series of five lectures given by Dr. Parsons. The importance of these lectures is shewn from the fact that in all large centres of industry a knowledge of them is required by all policemen, postmen, etc. An opportunity will be offered this year to any male adult who may wish to join the class, held at the school. For the information of the public it may be stated that in case of an accident a stretcher and bandages are kept at the school and placed in such a position as to be readily obtainable. An application to Mr. Beck the Hon. Secretary of the Institute would meet with a cordial response.

Entertainments under the management of the Rev. W. H. Laverty are usually given in the schoolroom during the winter months, when in addition to the usual vocal and instrumental attraction, popular theatrical performances are introduced in a manner rarely to be met with in a village.

The Headley Cricket Club may consider themselves fortunate in having an improved field for their games. It is to be hoped that Mr. Fraser, the captain of the team, may lead them to many a victory during the season. Whether he does so or not, it is generally admitted that his energy equals his liberality, and that the club would fare hard without him.
A Foot-ball Club was introduced in October, 1895. It is under good management, and if the team take advantage of the opportunities offered to them, there is every reason to hope a good report may be heard of them in the future.
A Dancing-class is held in the schoolroom during the winter months. It is open to all. The only condition is a proper regard for decorum. M.C.: Mr. W. Gamblen; Accompanist: Mr. C. H. Beck.

A localized Parish Magazine containing Church Notices, offertories, hymns, a list of Births Marriages and Deaths, with other particulars of interest to the parishioners, is published by the Rector on the first of each month and can be obtained from Mr. Rogers, or from Mr. W. Gamblin.
Clothing and Shoe Clubs are also managed by the Rector.
Taking note of the circulation of weekly papers, it is correct to say that the "Hampshire Post" has the prior claim for consideration. This paper may be obtained from Mr. W. Rogers every Friday. Correspondent for Headley: Mr. Edwin David, "Headley Green". The latter observation is applied to the locality and not to the correspondent.
The ancient custom of treading the boundary of the parish was undertaken by a selected number of gentlemen on Easter Monday and the following Wednesday of 1895. Great care was taken to make a correct survey, and local experience was brought into requisition at every questionable point.

The 17th of November 1894, will be ever memorable as the date of the last Vestry Meeting previous to the introduction of the Local Government Act of the same year. The first Parish Meeting under the Act was held in the Schoolroom on December 4th 1894. Sir Robert Wright presided. After explaining, in a lucid manner, the difference between the old order of business and the new, he invited the candidates desirous for election to present their names. This resulted in the production of 18 candidates for 12 seats. A poll was demanded. This took place on Monday, December 17th 1894. The successful candidates secured the following number of votes. A. L Whitaker, 120; R. S. Gardener 115; G. Bone, 110; Rev. W. H. Laverty, 110; Miss C. B. I'Anson, 87 A. J. Harding, 79; O. Chapman, 78; T. Faulkner, 70; T. Carter, 69; C. H. Beck, 65; G. Warren , 63; and C. David, 57.
Six candidates were nominated for the District Council. Under the new Act this is the more important office, taking into account the many duties attached to it District Councillors will do the work of Guardians and of Way-wardens, they will be the Sanitary Authority, will issue certain licenses, will have the power over fairs, will aid in protecting commons and in protecting Rights-of- way, and in resisting encroachments on the roads, etc., etc.
The parish did well in securing the services of Messrs. Whitaker and Ayling, who are tried gentlemen, well used to the work and proficient in all local business.
On December 31st 1894, the newly elected parish council held their first meeting. Sir Robert Wright was elected Chairman; A. I. Whitaker, Esq., Vice.chairman; the Rev. W. H. Laverty, Clerk, and Mr. Goodwyn Hall (Alton), Treasurer. Among other things in reference to this Act it may be well to notice that Allotments are now governed by it, and which are superintended by a committee, which consists of the Rector, Messrs. Carter and Chapman. Overseers also come under the Act and are appointed at the Annual Meeting in April. The Overseers are Messrs, G. Warren, R. S. Gardener, and O. Chapman; Assistant Overseer: W. Gamblin. Other Officers:- Rate Collector: Mr. W. Gamblin. Tax Collector: A. W. Christmas. Road Surveyor: Mr. Pike, (Alton) Assistant Surveyor: W. Gamblin. Constable: W. J. Buckland. Relieving Officer: Mr. H. Harbor, who attends at a room supplied by Mr. Rogers on every Friday in each week. Sanitary Inspector: Mr. W. F. Blake, (Alton). Medical Officer of Health: E. J. Leslie, (Alton).
The Police Station is in Arford.

The first, in order of importance, comes Court "Forget-me-not, " No. 6,943, of the Ancient Order of Foresters. Without attempting to refer disparagingly to any of the Clubs to which subsequent reference is given; it is correct to say, that the progress and spread of this Order has been most remarkable. It now comprises over a million of benefit members, and has Courts established over nearly the whole United Kingdom, in most of our Colonies, and in Foreign Countries. The Order, like a happy and prosperous State is indebted for much of its success to the wise and salutary Laws under which it has been governed and regulated.
Amongst the most important legislative changes which has been may be mentioned:-
1. The Registration of the Order in the year 1845, under the Friendly Societies' Act of 13 & 14 Victoria.
2. The passing of Laws for the proper separation of the Funds of Courts and their strict application to the objects for which they were created.
3. The adoption of equitable Tables of payments and benefits according to the age of members at entrance.
4. The establishment of Juvenile Societies in connection with Courts and Districts.
The members of Court No. 6,943, meet on the third Tuesday in every month at the "Holly Bush Inn", Headley, at 7 p.m. in the winter months, and 8 p.m. in the summer months. Trustees:- The Rev. W. H. Laverty, T. H. Hahn, Esq., and Walter T. Phillips, Esq. Surgeon: J. Parsons, Esq. Secretary: Mr. W. Gamblin. Treasurer: Mr. W. Rogers.
Juvenile Foresters.- There is a Juvenile Branch of the above Order, numbering about 30 members. Any parents wishing to enter their children can do so on payment of 1s. to the Secretary, (Mr. W. Rogers,) who will furnish them with every information respecting the society.
Bramshott Providence Association. Clerk: Mr. G. Warren.
"New Inn," Sleaford Benefit Club. Clerk: Mr. Moore. Surgeon: J. Parsons, Esq.
A branch of the National Deposit Friendly Society, Clerk: Mr. E. Woods.
Standford Benefit Club, T. Breman, Clerk.
Parliamentary Division, Petersfield, Hants. Representative: W. Wickham, Esq.. M.P., who was returned un-opposed.

The Registrar, Mr. H. Harbor, Address, Isington, Alton, attends at Mr. Rogers' on the first Friday in each month from 12.30 till 2 o'clock. The father or mother must attend to register a birth. A near relation, either present at the death or in attendance during the last illness of the deceased, is required to give information for the registration of a death. If a notice be sent to the Registrar by post, accompanied by a certificate from a doctor who attended the deceased, a certificate for the funeral will be sent back by him at once, but this does not exonerate]the nearest relation from attending upon the Registrar on the first Friday in the following month to sign the Register of death.

The Post Office, Telegraph Office; Money Order Office, and Savings Bank are at Mr. W. Gamblen's, Long Cross. There are Branch Offices at Standford, and at Greyshott, (where there is a Second Telegraph Office,) and there are Letter Boxes at Lindford, at the "New Inn," at Stream Farm, and in High Street, Headley, (close to Mr. Rogers.) Letters arrive from Liphook (week-days) in the morning at 7.45, and in the afternoon at 2. Mails are made up at 10.45 a.m. and 6 p.m. Sundays. Letters arrive at 7.45 and Mails made up at 11. Postmen: A. West and George V. Gamblen.

To Farnham and back, every Thursday, by the "New Inn" Sleaford, W. Rogers. To Farnham and back, through Frensham every Tuesday and Friday, W. Burrows. To Alton and back, every Wednesday, W. Burrows. To Guildford through Thursley and Godalming, every Thursday, returning the next day, A. Madgwick. To Liphook and back every day, G. V. Gamblen.

All Saint's Church, Headley.- Hours of Service: Church Sunday Morning at 11, and evening at 6.30; Greyshott Church Sunday, 10 a.m. and 6.30 p.m. Independent Chapel, Long Cross, morning at 11, afternoon at 2.30, and evening at 6.30. Plymouth Brethren, Iron Room, Standford, Sunday Morning at 11, afternoon, 2.30, and evening at 7, and Wednesday evening at 7.10.

The following markets are usually attended by Headley people: Farnham every Thursday, Guildford every Tuesday, and Petersfield every alternate Wednesday.

Weights and Measures Acts.- During the year 1896, the Inspector for this district will visit Headley for verifying and stamping on the second Wednesday in May and September. Stamping Room at Mr. William Suter's, High Street. D. Bayley, Inspector, Central Office, Brook Street, Basingstoke.


Click here for Grayshott entries

Note: comments [in square brackets] do not appear in the original Directory
Entries in this colour refer to changes in 1897 compared with 1896

St Catherines
Thomas, DJ
Potter, Mrs
Speakman, William
Louch, Eli

Holly Bank
Smith, Alfred
Searle, Montague

Nore View [Noar?] — not included in 1897
Searle, Montague

High Street
Rogers, William
Wakeford, Frederick
Shill, H
Saunders, George
Suter, William, jun
Sweetman, William
Fullick, Mrs R — not included in 1897
Knight, A
Suter, William, sen
Louch, Eli
Curtis, Bros

The Rectory
Laverty, Rev WH

Langdale, AA

The Nook
Hawes, Mrs

Curtis Lane
Hayden, Alfred
Bridger, Harry
Smith, Charles — not included in 1897
Ralph, George

Bone, George
Hayden, Daniel — not included in 1897
Marden, H

Headley Wood
Ayling, William B

Headley Wood Hatch
Burt, - — not included in 1897
Lemon, J
Hickman, Mrs
Windibank, Mrs
Taylor, James

Triggs, Mrs
Chalcraft, William — not included in 1897
Stevens, Mrs
Palmer, George
Combes, Mrs Peter — not included in 1897
Combes, Frederick — not included in 1897
Fisher, Mrs — not included in 1897
Triggs, Henry
Triggs, Reuben
Triggs, George

Baker, Arthur — not included in 1897
Burningham, Thomas
Collyer, Samuel
Kingdon, Mrs
Loe, Miss

Headley Park
Wright, Sir RS
Fullick, Frederick
Dawes, William
Grover, George

Baigent's Bridge
Chandler, Thomas — not included in 1897
Coombes, Peter
Grover, John

Picket's Hill
Craft, George
Williams, Harry
Elson, Henry — not included in 1897
Glaysher, George
Chiverton, Thomas
Gauntlett, William, sen
Gauntlett, William, jun

Wynn, Richard
Deane, Edward

Saunder's Green
Mills, James
Mills, Charles
Knowles, W — not included in 1897
Bridle, George
Langrish, Walter
Barnett, Reuben

Huntingford Bridge
Collins, Charles
North, James, sen
Hutchings, - — not included in 1897
Dicks, -

Kent, William
Glaysher, William
Grover, Charles
Roke, WJ
Bowler, -

Shepherd, EA
Burrows, Thomas

Wishanger Lodge
White, Walter
Chandler, George
Mariner, Benjamin — not included in 1897
Skinner, -

Wishanger Farm
Woodger, George
Loe, Mrs
Knight, Frank

Earl, Henry
Erminstone, Robert
Hills, Miss
Dixon, James

Field House
Fullick, Mrs Henry
Hurst, Lily — not included in 1897

Pond House
Sankey, Mrs L — not included in 1897
Marshall, Charles

Land of Nod
Christian, JH
Aldred, William
Chandler, James
Geil, John

Barleymow Hill
Blanchard, William
Blanchard, Edwin
Cover, George
Cover, John
Bettesworth, Mrs — not included in 1897

Smith, James
Marshall, George
Knight, John
Passingham, Henry
Burrows, Mark — not included in 1897
Burrows, Mrs
Glaysher, Charles
Fyfield, William
West, George
White, William
Lemon, Mrs — not included in 1897
Chandler, Mrs
Chandler, Henry
Harris, William
Fyfield, George
Smith. Richard
Hall, Charles

Glaysher, George
Groves, David
Copper, Henry — not included in 1897
Backhurst, John
Osborne, John
Chandler, Henry
Cover, Mrs
Cover, Charles
Mansell, Mrs
Glaysher, Charles — not included in 1897
Pacey, Charles
Glaysher, Frank
Matthews, Henry
Shrubb, Jonas
Glaysher, Thomas
Glaysher, Mrs W
Glaysher, George
Rezzell, James — not included in 1897
Frost, -
Alderton, Henry
Cane, John
Glaysher, Charles
Pritchard, CE
Lawrence, Daniel
Ames, Mrs

Harris, George
Pacey, Charles — not included in 1897 (see Barford)
Steel, -
Crawt, Stephen
Crawt, George
Harris, William
Harding, Alfred
Cane, James
Cane, Thomas
Harris, Charles
Titford, Charles
Fullick, Henry
Crawt, Daniel

Sandell, -
Brown, Thomas
Stokes, William
Enticknap, William — not included in 1897
White, Luke
Barnes, W
Wells, James
Barratt, Edward
Bevis, Henry
Smith, George
Boyl, A
Mitchelmore, -
Plympton, RT
Hale, Samuel
Oakley, Samuel
Madgewick, Thomas
Greenslade, Edward
Mitchell, Henry
Coxhead, Ernest
Jakes [Jeakes?], Rev JM
Moore, AJ
Bangs, A
Witt, Miss
Cornish, G
Winchester, D
Winchester, Mrs
Robinson, Henry
Annett, Robert
Chapman, Oliver
Chapman, Walter [postmaster]
Young, Samuel
Upex, MB
Upex, J
Upex, W — not included in 1897
Prince, -
Chapman, Ernest [builder]
Smithers, Edwin
Boxall, Henry
Frost, Samuel
Moir, Miss — not included in 1897
Cox, M
Deas, WG & Son [grocer]
Wells, JA
White, Luke — not included in 1897 (but see earlier)
Onslowe, Mrs
Heather, George
Small, Joseph
Cane, Mrs
Belton, Henry
Fullick, Arthur
Hill, William
White, Mrs W
Boxall, Stephen
Leuchars, Edgar [Apley House]
Henslowe, Cecil
I'Anson, Miss
Belton, Maria
Fletcher, W
Ward, James [schoolmaster]
Crawt, William
Chalcraft, William
Winchester, Ted
Vertue, CE
Ansell, Daniel
de Pury, D
Nettleton, John
Angel, Mrs — not included in 1897
Allden, -
Whitaker, A Ingham [Grayshott Hall]
Downer, Walter
Jetton, Richard
Gould, John
Moore, Lewis
Coombes, Mrs
Combes, J
Whitcher, James
Foster, Robert
Cripps, -
Bartlett, -

School House
Beck, CH
Beck, Mrs

Crab Tree House
Bewsher, Samuel
Bewsher, Mrs

The Grange
Hahn, TS
Balcombe, - — not included in 1897
Balcombe, Miss — not included in 1897

Beresford, Mrs
Rogers, Miss

The Green
Campbell, George — not included in 1897
Alpe, Mrs — not included in 1897
Gates, George
Moss, Charles, sen
Callwell, Miss
Law, Miss

Phillips, Walter T
Holland, William

Fullers Bottom
Kemp, Colin
Coombes, James
Gale, William
Burrows, William
Gates, Stephen
Shrub, William
Turner, James
Viney, JH, jun

Stone Hill
Allen, Albert
Bromley, MJ
Watts, Albert
Kemp, -
Davies, W
Brooks, Charles
Stillwill, -
Fuller and Sons
Fuller jnr
Burrows, Luke
Edwards, W — not included in 1897
Patrick, - — not included in 1897
Lawrence, Welcome
Griffin, F
Johnson, Miss
Bell, -
Scoffield, Mrs

Beech Hill
Hack, James
Viney, John H, sen
Cover, Thomas
Moss, Charles, jun
Overall, William
Webb, George
Triggs, James
Upperton, Mrs
Parish, Mrs J E
Fullick, Frederick
Glaysher, James

Parish House Bottom (all called this in 1896)
[this first bit called Quarry Hill in 1897]
White, Thomas
Messingham, Stephen
Moore, John
Burrows, Robert
Marshall, William
Burrows, James
Langtry, Albert
Fullick, Mrs
Chandler, Thos
Burt, Edward
Heather, Albert

Marshall, George
Cover, Reuben
Coombes, Edward, jun
Moss, Joseph
Coombes, William
Combes, Edward
Harris, Jas
[this next bit called Parish House Bottom in 1897]
Marshall, Sam
Tuckey, James
Tuckey, William
Shrubb, Mrs W
Smith, George
Shrubb, Edward
Fyfield, Charles
Loe, George
Messingham, George
Marshall, Charles
Glaysher, William
Burrows, Robert — not included here in 1897, but see above
Maynard, LM
Dopson, Arthur
Aldred, Mrs C
Marshall, James
West, A
Snelling, Mrs
Smith, Charles
Matthew, Job
Burrows, Andrew
Courtnage, F
Courtnage, Charles
Shrubb, Mrs
Glayshire, George — not included in 1897
Gardener, Thomas
Mills, Miss W
Gale, Jane

Headley Hill
Vincent, Mrs — not included in 1897
Pareham [Parham], Fred
Robinson, James
Elson, Mrs
Headley Hill in 1896, Rose Cottage in 1897
Viney, William
Blaxell, Miss
Collet, JW — not included in 1897

Fraser, Mrs
Fraser, Cyril E
Rogers, RR
Cole, George
Alden, George
Lawrence, -
Parfect, George
Heather, William
Allden, James
Lucas, John — not included in 1897
Ramsay, Mrs — not included in 1897
Judkins, John Lucas
Hadley, Miss
Bellingham, Miss
Barnett, James
Greenway, Kelwyn
Dewer, Mrs
Barleycorn, Mrs — not included in 1897
Curtis, James
Gamblen, James
Pink, Mrs
Knight, Miss
Holden, Mrs
North, Samuel
Marshall, James — not included in 1897
Fisher, John
Knight, Henry
Chandler, Mrs
Chandler, Andrew
Holden, John
Sutton, -
Gates, Frank
Viney, Joseph
Smith, James
Smith, William
Gatcum, Alfred
Courtnage, Henry, jun
Courtnage, Henry, sen
Overton, Alfred
Hoare, James
Hurdle, WJ
Hall, CP — not included in 1897
Van de Velde, Madam
Sellens, George

Blackman, -
Burrows, Mrs Agnes
Buckland, Alfred
Heather, Arthur
Collet, JW

Long Cross
Speakman, William — not included in 1897
Brindley, Sam
Gamblen, Miss
Gamblen, Henry
Tidey, Robert
Gamblen, Oscar
Gamblen, William
Abbott, RY
Long Cross in 1896, The Laurels in 1897
David, Charles
David, Edwin
Austwick, Miss

Long Cross in 1896, Mill Lane High St in 1897
Hayden, John
Rawes, Edward — not included in 1897

Headley Mill in 1896, Lower House Farm in 1897
Chandler, Arthur
Burrows, Sarah
Budd, William
Chandler, W

Headley Mill
Knight, William sen
Sparshot, Miss — not included in 1897
Small, Mrs
Lickfold, Walter
Chandler, Benjamin
Berry, -

Giles, William
Carter, Thomas
Gordon, Alexander
Parsons, John, FRCS & LRCP
Parsons, John A, MB & CM
Ball, - [Lynton Dene] — not included in 1897
Moss, Henry
Fullick, William
Walker, Jonah
Moseley, Lewis
Marshall, William
Burrows, James
Hoare, John
Budd, William — not included in 1897
Moss, John
Kersley, Edwin
Neller, William

Warren, George
Brown, George
Baker, H
Curtis, George

Tall's [Tulls] Lane
Tilbury, Richard
Chandler, William E

Smithies, John S

Standford Hill
Allen, HH
Wood, Mrs
Mullard, James
Gauntlett, James, jun
Phillips, James
Page, Thomas
Falkner, Thomas

Greenway, Samuel
Cannon, William, sen
Cannon, William, jun — not included in 1897
Perrett, James
Trusler, Thomas
Burrows, Charles
Taylor, James — not included in 1897
Hoare, William
Elstone, F
Coombes, William
Brennan, Mark
Small, - — not included in 1897
Albury, James
Blackman, Andrew
Parfect, George — not included in 1897
Loe, James
Fisher, Charles
Smith, Mrs Mark — not included in 1897
Smith, George
Fisher, James
Dewey, James — not included in 1897
Smithers, John
Lawrence, John
Windibank, John
Sutton, Mrs — not included in 1897
Wake, John — not included in 1897
Simons, John
Fisher, Henry

Gauntlett, James
Albury, James — not included in 1897, but see above
Chandler, Charles
Barrett, George
Small, Walter
Albury, Edward
Harris, -
Allcock, -

Fullick, James
Barnett, Mark
Stacey, George — not included in 1897
Burrow, Fred
Fullick, Walter
Albury, Thomas
Coombes, George
Weeks, James
Barnett, George
Ford [Foard], Mrs James
Ford [Foard], Harvey
Coombes, Daniel
Gauntlett, Andrew
Matthews, William, jun
Ford [Foard], Mrs Geo
Wood, Aaron
Cook, Henry — not included in 1897
Hills, Henry
Woods, Henry
Blundy, Henry
Matthews, William
Lloyd, David — not included in 1897
Wheeler, -
Harris, Mrs

Deadwater Hill
Maude, Colonel
Langford, James
Whiting, James
Draper, Joseph
Fitt, Arthur — not included in 1897
Champion, - — not included in 1897
Budd, W
Lingley, Thomas

Brocks Head [Broxhead]
Burke, UJ
Plumbe, Isaac
Dixey, George
Percy, Walter
Munday, -
Knight, George
Britton, John
Messingham, Daniel
Knight, George — not included in 1897
Burrel, Mrs
Knapman, Mrs

Bordon Inclosure
Weeks, Henry
Weeks, John
Cane, John

Lindford Chase
Heather, Henry, sen
Laws, William
Coombes, Frederick
Triggs, George
Hillyer, -
Chandler, Mrs G
Chandler, William
Knight, Arthur — not included in 1897
Dee, Arthur
Knight, George
Rowley, John
Chew, Charles S
Heather, Henry, jun
Heather, Mrs Charles
Fullick, Edward
North, Joseph
Jetton, Thomas
North, Elijah
Britton, Goliath
Piggott, Mark
Fullick, George
Fullick, John
Roy, Mrs — not included in 1897

Shrubb, Eli — not included in 1897
Shrubb, Mrs
Shrubb, Daniel

Lemon, George
Whiting, William
Evens, Miss
Whiting, Miss

Collyer, Mrs — not included in 1897
Collyer, Harvey
Warner, John
Tarrant, Mrs
Oliver, George
Harding, Albert John
Yearman, George — not included in 1897
Patterson, Andrew
Coventry, Henry H
Gardner, RS
Gardiner, Thomas — not included in 1897
Gauntlett, Henry
Boxall, Charles — not included in 1897
Morgan, GH
Warner, H
Rawles, Edward
Moore, Rev W Bramley [Bramley-Moore]

Lindford Lane
Lovegrove, Edwin
Lemon, George — not included here in 1897, but see above
Wakeford, William
Hayter, William
Gale, James
Shrubb, William

Contact me if you need further information or explanation.

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