With some hesitation (and a lot of work) I have included a full index of personal names. Some researchers (& genealogists) will need it. It shows (if allowance is made for gaps in the records) when families first appeared – and when they faded out (four families appear to have ‘carried their bat’); it also draws attention to the great changes of the 18th/19th centuries (disappearance of many old tenants’ names & a flood of new cottage tenants). I apologise for the inevitable errors (if reference seems wrong, try next item; eg if 56/2 yields nothing, try 56/3). Plain no, or no. +H = ‘Head’ items of Court (date, essoins & homage-list). F = Foot items (end of Court page). HF = appears in both head & foot items. [LCG]

Allin 113/3.

Amey 209 212

Andrew(s). 31/2 33/1 36/3 39/2 41/1 44/1 45/1 46/3,4 49/1 50/H,6 51H 52/2 52F H53–55, 58–59, 61–62 56/2 63/1 63/4 64/1 66/4 67/2 67/4 68/1 69/2 70/1,3&4 71/2&F 72/4 73/3,4 74/3,4 76/2,5,7 77/3 78/2,4 81/4 83/2 86/3 87/4 91/5 109/5 110/1 179/1 180/13 203

Alborne 86/5

Annsell, Awnsell 74/3 76/7 77/3 78/2 81/4,5 84/3,5 86/2

Asgood 213

Avery 170/5 174/2 175/2

Asselat 95/4

Aylwin 34/3

Baker 196 213

Bartholomew 183/2,3 184/2,3 195 210.

Baylie 91/3

Beagley 207 210 211 212

Bea1e, Beele 8/1 9/2 14/9 16/16 21/6 25/3 27/8 33/2 37/3 38/2 39/3 42 43 47/1 91/3

Belton 178/8 179/1 180/2,3 181/2 182/2,3,17 183/2,3 184/2,3 184/8 200 209 210 213

Benifold, Benivold &c. 31/1,2 32/2 36/2 39/2,3 41/1,2,4 45/1 50 51H 53 55/4 56/4,5 H58 59 59/3 61 62 63/1 67/3 71F 72/3 75/1 76/4,5 78/3 81/5 83/2 84/2 97/4 99/1,4 110/4 113/2,5 114/5 117/1 118/3 119/3,4 122/5 123/2 127/7 128/1 129F 130/1 131/3 135/1 144/2 148/1 150/2 156/2,3 159/2 169/4,15 174/1 175/1 176/1 177/1 178/12 180/1,12 181/1 182/1 187

Bennett 136/4

Berksher 52F

Bettesworth 212

Bignoll, Bicknell, Bickenhall &c. 7/6 11/3,4 14/22,24 18/2 21/9 31/1,2 end 32/1 37/3 41/4 43 44/1 45/1 50 51H 52F 53–55H 56/5 58 59H&F 61 62H 63/1 71F 72/3 75/1 76/1,5,7 78/1 80/3 81/2 83F 84/1 87/1 97/2,3 99/1 100/1 107/4,6 110/3,8 113/2,5 114/5 117/1 118/3,4 122/3,4 123/2 124/3 125/1 127/2,5 129 130/3 131/3 135/1 144/2 146F 152/3 153/1 155/2 170/8 209 212

Blackwell 140H 144/2

Blanchard 7/6 cp.7/5 10/4

Booker 170/11 207/1

Bovill, Bonvile (Lord of Manor) 22/6 91/5 93/4

Boxhold, Boxall 52F 60/2 79/5 84/4 125/2,4 134/2 135/1 136/2 141/1 150/2 163F 169/12 171/2 174/1 175/1 176/1 177/1 178/6,12 186 211 213

Brambly 213

Bramshott, de 16/9 22/7 23/1 26/6 34/4 35

Brewster (?=Bristow, q.v.) 176/1,3

Bridger 207 209 211 212

Bristow (?=Brewster, q.v.) 174/1,4 175/1 177/1

Britten 212

Brookes 48/1

Budd 210 211 212

Bunch 176/1 178/1,3

Burgess 180/1 182/1 203

Burrows 209 211

Buss 183/2,3 184/2,3 198 212

Butler 184/1,3 185A 187 188 207F

?Ca1e 209

Calkin 119/1

Canner/Cannor 178/1,3,11 192

Carpenter 193 209 210 211 212

Carter 176/1,3

?Carus 144/2 156/4

Chace, Chase 148/2 151/1 165/2 169/11 171/6 210

Chalcraft 183/1,3 184./1,3 203 213

Chamberlayne 4/2

Champion 133/1

Chandler 180/2 199

Chester 9/3

Chichester, Bishop or Dean of, regularly mentioned in H from 45/2 as free tenants who rarely attend. Cp.90/7.  See also 46/4, 62H, 71/2 (Bishop Shirburn).  In rentals, eg 177/1.  See details holding & sale at 190.

Chitty 125/1 126/1 127/5 155/4 157/2 164/2 169/10 171/3 195

Clarke 151/1 159H 159/4 165/3

Cleer(e) 170/12,13 171/3 172/1 173/1 174/2 174F 175/2 176/1,3,6,9

Clement 29/2 … head & foot of 179–183 185H 203

Cobb 169/1,9 172/1 172/4,5,6 173/1

Cole 207

Collier 214

Colpas, Copas 71/1 73/1 78/1 92/3 99/1 100/2 111/2 113/2 114/1,5 117/5 118/3 119/3,4 122/5 123/2 124/3 125/1,2 126/2 127/2,5 129 130/3 132/3 134/3 144/2 147/1,3,4 148/1 150/2 151/2 152/2,3 153/1 156/4 161/1 163F 169/5,7,8 173/2 176/1 190

Comber, Kombar 14/7 24/2 39/2 40/2 41/1,4 42 43 44/1 45/3 46/2 91/2 95/4

Coombs 210

Cooper, Couper 53/4 54/4

Cover 10/3 15/10 25/1 40/1 41/1,3 178/7 179/1 180/3 181/1 182/1,14 183/1 184/1,3 193 209 210

Creswell 44/1

Crouch, atte 13/7,9 21/4 23/1 25/1

Dalman 47/2 50/4 92/3 93/5 95/2 98/1 104penu1t 107/2 109/1 112/1 116/2,3 118/4

Danley (steward) 127H

Darlington 183/9 185A

Davye 47/1

Drake 47/3

Draper 183/7 207/2&F 210

Deacon 207

DuCane 214

Duffield, Doffield 7/6 15/9 46/3 109/5

Duvett 9/2 10/1

Eade, Eede(s) 178/2,3 179/1 180/1 194 210

Edsell 84/5 86/2

Ellis 184/1 191

Elstone 196 210

Envis 198 201

Fanchin 171H 172H

Farlee, Fairlee, Fawley 31/1&F 31/2 32/2,3 35/1 38/2 39/2 41/1 42F

Feilder 113/4

Fernden 144/2 169/4,8 170/9,10 172/1

Figg (seems linked with Fish) 45/2 47/2 51/3 57F 58top 59H&F 61 63/1 66/2 92/3 93/5 95/4

Fish 7/5 43 44/1 45/1,3 46/2 50H,6 51 H53,54,58,59,61 58top&H, 59F 62/3,F 65/2 66/1,4 66/2,4 67/2,3 69 70/2,H 71/F 73/3 74/5 76/2 78/3 81/2 82/3 83/2,F 85/2 86/1 89/1 89/4 90/3,6 91/2,4 92/1,3 93/1,3,5 94/1 95/4 96/3 97/5 98/2 99/1 100/penult,F 101/1–4, 104penult 105/2,3 107/2 109/2–4 112/1–3, 113/1,2 115 116/1 117/1 118/3 121/1 123/1,3,5 124/3 125/1,2,3 127/2,5 130/3 131/3,4 132/1 135/2 136/1 138/1 139/2 141/2–5 150/2 153/3 154./1,2 164./2 165/5,8 169/2? 169/11 171/6 174/1,5 175/1 190

Fletcher 159/4

Foghel 5/8 8/2 9/2,3

Frankland 183/9 186

Frost 207/4

Fullick 209 210

Gale 209 210

Gamble 191 208

Gamblin 181/12 183/1 191

Gardener 210

Gentill 6/3 14/27 cp.13/11 26/2

Gibbs 209

Gilbert 6/3

Gill 95/4 178/1,3,6,12 180/1 181/1&9 182/1,9 186

Girdler 178H

Glazier 109/3 112/2 114/5 119/3 133/3

Goatley 203

Goff 178/1,4,12

Gore 13/5 15 16/1 17/13 18/2 22/4 22/6 25/2 47/3 90/5

Graciot (= of Grayshott?) 54/4

Greenway 198 201

Grevatt, Grevett 45/1 50 51H/3 53–4H 56/4 58 60/1 63/3 65/2 66/4 67/1,2 71/1 76/5,7 83/1 89/4 92/2 99/1 100/3 104penult 107/5 109/1 113/2,5 114/5 115 117/1 118/3 119/3,4 122/5 123/2,4 125/1

Grover 195A

Hack 212

Hallaway 182/3

Harding 208 210 212

Harris 212

Hawkin 36/3 40/1 41/3

Hayward 169/11

Heath, atte heth, Heather 41/4 45/1 50 51H 52F H53–55,58,59,61 58A 59F 61/4 63/2 65/1 etc 66 71/1 72/2 87/1 89/2 92/3 126/2 132/3 133/3 182/3

Hersey 52F

Hewitt 178/2,3

Hide 169/11 171/6

Hill 176/1,3

Hithiers 7/4

Hobbes 36/2 37/3 Hobson 32/4

Hodson, Hudson 169/2,8 174/1 174F 175/1 177/1

Holbrook 187

Holles 7/4

Holloway 44/1 84/5 85/4 86/2

Hooke (Lord of Bramshott & Chiltley) 133/2 135/2 141/5 150/2 155/2 156/1 164/4 165/4 169/2 171/4,6 172/2 174/1,4 174/9 175/1 176/5

Howard 210

Howes 44/1

Hownesham (Hounsham) 31/2 32/2 36/3 39/3 41/2 47/2 50/4 60/2 72/4 74/4 76/6 77/3 78/2 81/4 83/2 83F 84/4 87/4 88F 89/2 92/3 94/2 96 99/1,3 107/2 111/1 113/2 116/2 117/2 118/3 119/2,5 121/2 122/2 123/2 124/3 125/1,2 127/5 128/1 131/3,5 134/3 135/1 140/3 143/3 144/1 154/4 155/4 158F 162/1 164/5 166/2 169/7 170/6 172/1 173/1,3 174/2,11 175/2 176/2.3 177/2

Humfrey (Magdalen Coll. Oxon., q.v.) 123/1 124/3 127/2 129H

Hunt 195A

Hudson, see Hodson

Inwood 71/1 81/6

Jewell 23/3

Kemp 209 212

Kent 178/1 180/1,9 181/1,9 182/1 183/1 185A 187 203 213

Kinchott (Kingshott) 209 210

Knight (steward) 87/4; (Lord of Manor) 99 122/1 133/1 H124/127/135/146/150 152/1 155H 159H,4 169/12

Komber, see Comber

Lamperne, Lamborne, Lamperd 170/7 173/4 174/2 175/2

Lander 174/7

Langford, Longford 31/2 50/4

Laws, Lewes 50/6

Lemon 179/1 180/2,3 181/2,3 182/2,3 195A 197 198 209 210

Lenchmere 32/2 34/3

Lennts? 46/3

Levett, Livett 178/2,3,8 180/2 181/2,3 182/13 192 196 210

Lipscombe 143/2 157/1 160/1 167/1 178/2,3

Lister 184HF 212

Loe 209 211 212

Long 9/3 10/1 11/3,4

Love 86/2

Loveden (steward) 155H 157/2

Lowe (kt.) 174/l 174/6 175/1 177/1

Lucy 55/2

Luckin 82/2 95/1

Lyndon, Mrs. (Lady of Manor) 215

Macdonald (L of M) 183H 184H&12 185H 186 187 190 206 207H 208 214 215

Magdalen Coll., Oxford, President &c of.  Tenants of Priors (having taken over property of Selborne Priory c1459).  Regularly mentioned in H from 59F as tenants who rarely attend (Corpus Christi Coll. named 76/1, 78/3 in error?).  Cp.95/1, 177/1, 185A and see ‘Humfrey’ (name of President)

Manncer 38/1

Marshall 210

Matthews 183/15 184/9 213

Maugchin? 33/4

Mellersh 133/4 135/1 142/1 147/2

Miller (Lord of Manor) 179–182H, 185H 187 195A 199 202 206 207H 213

Mills 176/1,3

Moor 213

More, Morer, Mose, Morris, Morer 14/13 48/1 71/1 73/4 84/4 113/3

Moss 181/2,3 182/2,3 183/2,3 184/2,3,5 184/10 197199 200 209–212

Newman 5/4 9/2 10/4 14/13 16/3&12 17/9 18/2 21/9 46/3 90/4 93/4 94/3 107/3 176/1,3 178/2,3 179/1 180/2,3 181/1,2,3 181/1,2,3 192 195 207 209

Newton 159/4

Norton 45/2 47/1 50/3 51/3 53H 54/3 55H 57F 59 61 67/2 70/2 72/1 78/3 80/2 83F 85/3 86/1 89/1 91/3 92F 94/2 96 99/1 102/3 109/2 113/1 116/2 118/3 122/1

Over? 17/7

Pace, Paice 207 209 210

Packham, Parham? 50/5

Pacy 176/2,3,9 177/2

Page 211

Palmer 164/2

Parnell 114/5

Passova, Passevent 5/2,6,7 56/4

Paulet 34/4 46/2 52F 57H 68/1 178H

Paynell 24/2

Pescod, Pescot 73/5 118/5

Petworth 209 211 212

Phelip, Philip 26/2 85/5

Pimm 178/2&3

Pinck [Pink] 86/2

Pitt 114/5 & see Putt 178/1,3,12 192 203

Plongger 47/2 50/4 92/3

Pocock 189

Porter 27

Poynings  See St. John Poynings

Prinsted  ?see Sprimstede

Putt 95/4 & see Pitt

Puttick 208 210

Qweynt 16

Randall 159/4 166/3 169/7 172/1 173/1 174/2,12 175/2

Rapley 200

Rapson, Robson 46/4 48/2 52/2 53/3 60F 61/4 66/2 71/2

Rivers, Lord 203

Russell 178H

St. John (Poynings), Ld of Chawton & Ludshott 24/2 34/4 39/1

St. John (Lord of Manor granting leases) 194–202 

Sawyer 22/2

Scott 180/3

Sherborne, Shirborne, Bishop of Chichester 46/4 62H 71/2  and see Chichester, Bishop & Dean of

Selborne, Prior of (tenant of Priors Farm before Magdalen Coll.) 9/2 14/19 21/6 95/1; regularly in H from 42penult to 59F as tenant failing to attend.

Shore, Shorie 123/2,6 125/4 131/3

Sexton 42F 43 44/1

Silver 23/3

Silvester 180/9 182/15 183/13 207/4 210

Sim, Simon, Sime 33/2 84/4 131/5

Small 179/1 180/2 183/17 184/8 202 209–211 

Smith, Smyth 17/1 213

Snelling 207

Sole 210

Sommer 107/3

Souch 7/6 14/26 17/2

Sprimstede (= Springstead?) 17/13 25/3

Stacy 182/3

Stede (surname from farm-name) 8F 9/2

Stempe 176/1,3 176/3

Stepe (atte), Stupe(s) 4/5 27/8 46/4 47/2 52/2 71/2

Stillaway 209 211

Stilwell 179/1,5 180/1,13 192 209

Stockman (‘farmed’ manor from Crown) 127H 129H 130H

Streeter 150/2 152/1 153/4 155/2 156/5 157/2,3 158 160/2 161/2 164/1 165/6–7 169/3,8,10,12–14 170/2,3,4,12 171/2,3 174/1,4,9 175/1 176/1,3,5 176/7,8 177/1 178/12 190

Strudwick 178/2,3 180/1,7 181/1,3 182/1,3 188 203

Swetman, Sweatman 179/1 180/2,3 181/2,3 182/2,3 183/2,3 184/2,7 201 212

Symes 174F

Tanner 84/4

Taylor 195

Tilbury 181/2 182/2,17 183/2,3,17 184/8 202 209–212

Tichborne 130H 140H 155/1 161/2

Toop 198 201 210

Tribe 59F 78/4 81/3 83F 84/1 85/2 89/1,3 90/3 90/4 91/5 92 93/1,4 94/3 97/1 99/1 102/4 109/2,5 110/1–2 114/5 116/1 121/1 125/3 131/5 134/1 136/5 147/3 151/2 153/2 154/4 158F 161/2 165/8 167/1 169/7,9 171/1 172/1 174/1 174/2,7,8 174F 175/1,2 176/2,3,9 177/2

Trimmer 178/2,3 179/1 180/1,3,13 181/1,3 182/1,3 188 203 213

Trussler 210

Tuesley 178/1,3,12 178/3 178/12

Valor, Vallower 31/1 80/2 89/4 98/2? 133/4

Varndell, Varnden 150/2 155/2 157/1 159/2 163F (John Varndell of Passfield left £10 to Headley for poor 1629)

Wall 4/6 … (Lords of Manor) 169H 171H 172H 176H

Ward, John (Rector) 22/5

Ware, Ld de la  60/2

Warren 183/1,3,14 184/1,3,6,11 192

Wastell 25/1

Welle, atte (Attwell) 5/7 10/2 14/16 22/3 33/2 48/1 90/5

Wheler 139/2

White 45/2 47/3,4 48/1 50/3 54/3 55 57F 59/4,F 61H 62H,F 66/1,4 67/2 72/1 73/1 78/1 81/2 82/3 83F 85/3 86/1 87/3 88F (Ld Mayor London) 90/2 90/5 93/2 94/2 96 99/1 102/1–2 104penult 107/1 109/1 116/2 118/3 121/2 123/1 125/1 127/2 129 130/3 139/1 140/2 149/1 151/3 169/11 171/6 176H … 209–211

Williams 43 44/1; Willyham 95/4

Winchester, Bishop of (as Lord of Headley) eg. 30 32/1 34/2 74/2 95/1 107/3 132/2 133/1 143/1

Withers 170/2

Wood, atte (Attwood) 5/7; Woodbourne 209 212; Woods 207 210

Wulfate 44/1

Wydenhall, Widenhall 4/3–4 16/6 24/2 45/3 91/4 93/3

Wuller (Wulles?), atte 48/1

Yalden 122/1

Young, Yonge 4/7 5/3 8/2 9/3? 13/11 14/11 15/ 12 16/5 17/3 22/6 23/3 24/1 26/5 cp.32/3 34/1 38/2 39/1 41/1 45/2 47/2 90/6,7 118/4 121/3

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