Perambulation of the bounds of Headley Parish in the year 1906

From Hollywater to Frensham Pond, starting at the point where "Eade's Chimney" was

Note: "Eade's Chimney" was where the parishes of Bramshott, Headley and Selborne (now Blackmoor) met, at the centre of a chimney of a house inhabited by a person named Eade. This house was demolished between 1881 and 1890, leaving no trace as to where the chimney stood. A joint party from Bramshott and Headley in 1890 then determined it to be: "in a small garden lying due north and 23 paces from the door of the house inhabited by Charles Fisher; the spot being 5 yards from the S. bank, and 7 yards from the W. bank, and 12 paces from a wild cherry tree situated on the E. side of the garden".

  1. Thence E. about in a straight line to the S. corner of a fuel shed.
  2. Thence, still in a straight line, across the road to the corner of the hedge on the N. side of the road.
  3. Thence in the same straight line along the bottom of a ditch to another road.
  4. Thence in the same line, and 20 feet from the ditch, to where the bank again projects.
  5. Thence up the common, 3 feet from the bank, right up to the Farnham and Liphook road, and across the road with the drain.
  6. Thence up the S. side of the hedges to Westlands.
  7. Thence in the same direction down the watercourse on the W. side of Westlands.
  8. Thence in the same direction, 20 paces, to the head of the old course, thence down the course to the hedge, taking in one paine, and down the centre of the course to the river.
  9. Thence across the river nearly in the direction of an oak tree, and across the meadow between the streams to where the rails were.
  10. Thence E. (after crossing the stream) up to Mr Warren's road; by a course, and then 12 paces.
  11. Thence across the road, and up the S. side of the head of a meadow and up the centre of the hedge of four fields to the pond opposite Tilbury's.
  12. Thence, without going into the pond, up the W. side of the road to the corner of the hedge opposite the limekiln; (noting on the green the cross showing where James Luke Hack was killed).
  13. Thence across to the E. side of the road, and up the E. (and afterwards S.) side of the road to Golden Cross (sometimes called Reden's Corner) by a gate leading into what was Little Common.
  14. Thence through the gate up by the S. hedge of what was Little Common, this S. hedge being out of the parish, (crossing a new hedge after a while, so as always to keep to the S. side of Little Common,) to Hurland's Cross on the road leading to Bramshott; Hurland's Cross being at a gateway on the W. side of Gentel's Lane where a bank goes off to the West.
  15. Thence across the road in the direction of this bank and gate to the opposite hedge, and N. up the hedge, and (through the gate) round by the N. hedge of Gentel's coppice, (keeping to the N. of the hedge,) to a stone at the head of Fuller's Bottom road.
  16. Thence, crossing the road at right angles, to a point about 5 chains up the bank, noting an old mound and cross 2½ chains up; the cross not found in 1906. (The boundary in 16, 18 and 19 is taken from the Inclosure Map).
  17. Thence, up the E. side of the bank, nearly to the top of the hill to within about 5 chains of a tree on the bank where the bank bends; noting the cross which marks the spot where Captain Shepherd fell.
  18. Thence, leaving the bank, to a cross 1 chain to the S.W. of the tree in a line with that part of the bank which is to the N.E. of the tree.
  19. Thence, in about the same direction, to a cross which is 12 paces to the right of the tree.
  20. Thence, in about the same direction, up a sort of little hollow, 100 paces to a cross.
  21. Thence in a straight line, some 300 paces, to a cross and stone at the beginning of a ditch and bank.
  22. Thence up the bank to a cross which is just beyond where a road crosses the bank.
  23. Thence up the bank to the bend, 20 paces from the road, where the road into the manor should be.
  24. Thence up the bank some 2½ chains to the existing wrong road into the manor.
  25. Thence down this road and in the same line to a point on the N. side of the road to Grayshott.
  26. Thence nearly due N., 21 chains, to a point on cleared ground 3½ chains due E. of the East edge of the Quarry; this East edge being due N. of No. 25;
  27. And, cutting off a corner of the wood;
  28. And passing through the hollow at 9½ chains W. of the tank;
  29. To the S. corner of the E. block of Hammer Firs; this point being on the public footway 8 chains from Hammer Lane.
  30. Thence diagonally through the Firs to about the centre of their N. side - at 4 chains from Hammer Lane.
  31. Thence to a point on the W. hedge of Hammer Lane 1½ chains to the S. of that point in the same W. edge where the S. bank of Llanover would meet if produced.
  32. Thence to Llanover S.W. corner, and down the public footway to Whitmore Bottom Road;
  33. Thence N. up that road;
  34. Thence E. down the public footway (to Hatch Farm) to the stream at a point 8½ chains from the S. end of Barford Pond.
  35. Thence, along the stream to the fish bar above Barford Upper Mill Pond; thence along the centre of the meadow into the pond.
  36. Thence through the centre of this Pond to a cross at the head.
  37. Thence, through the cottage under the chimney, and by the front of the other cottages to again meet the stream; (about one bedroom of the cottage being in Headley Parish).
  38. Thence, by the stream, to the lowest pond.
  39. Thence, through the pond and by the E. side of all the buildings, and therefore by the W. side of the road, to again meet the stream.
  40. Thence, by the stream, to Frensham Pond; but following the Ordnance Map at Simmondstones.

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