Red Riding Hood cover

Jack & the Beanstalk
Witch Whey's wicked wheeze won't work, will it?

12th—20th January 2007 at Headley Village Hall

Photos of the showProduction TeamScenesCharacter Quotes

Cast List . . .

The Immortals:  
Witch Whey, a baddie Karina Farnlucher
Wizard Wheeze, a goodie Nick Webb
The Beanstalk Elves Emily Downs, Isabelle Glinn, Helen Keech
The Folk Above:  
Jim Giant, a giant by name but not by nature Rod Sharp
Sarah Giant, Jim's wife Wendy Downs
Detergiant, a castle bouncer Daniel Radford
Pungiant & Stringiant, a pair of heavies Lee Carter, Brad Nicholls
Harriet, the magic harp Justine Carter
Gertie, the golden goose Jo Smith
Washing Machine Sarah Wellen
The Folk Below:  
Widow English, the Dame Paul Kosinski
Jack English, her son Lucy Harris
Jill English, her daughter Ruth Beasley
Simon Smith, Jill's boyfriend Daisy Whillians
Squire Maguire Daniel Radford
Bean & Dunnit, bailiffs Lee Carter, Brad Nicholls
King George David Green
Queen Anne Maggie Farnlucher
Princess Penelope, their daughter Carly Barbey
Stammers, the Major Domo John McGregor
Anabelle, the cow Kay McGregor, Mavis Standing

Senior Chorus: Sarah Cain, Justine Carter, Jenna Cross, Caroline Kosinski, Amy Lund Yates, Sarah Wellen, Dil Williamson

Junior Chorus: Alice Hiller, Thomas Hiller, Christopher Potts, Rebecca Potts, Katherine Wellen, Annie Whillians

Production Team

Director — Pru Harrold, assisted by Justine Carter

Musical Director — Jo Levy, Instrumentalists Martin Levy (guitar), Luke Brown (percussion)

Junior Rehearsals— Sarah Cain & Alison Keech

Costumes— Mavis Standing & Dil Williamson

Stage Manager— Paul Heath

Stage Crew— Adam Coyte, Peter Kosinski, Nick Webb & others

Lighting/Sound— Simon Coyte, Helen Coyte, Martin Wellen

Set Construction— Paul Heath, David Green & others

Publicity— Pru Harrold

Front of House Organisation— Erika Webb

List of Scenes . . .

Act I

The Prologue – In the Witch's Cave
Scene 1 – In the Town Market
Scene 2 – In the Kingdom of the Giants
Scene 3 – A Room in the Royal Palace
Scene 4 – By Widow English's Cottage
Scene 5 – Outside Widow English's Cottage
Scene 6 – At the Top of the Beanstalk
Scene 7 – In the Giants' Castle

**** INTERVAL ****

Act II

The Interlogue – Back in the Witch's Cave
Scene 1 – In the Giants' Castle
Scene 2 – The King's Chamber at the Royal Palace
Scene 3 – At the Top of the Beanstalk
Scene 4 – By Widow English's Cottage
Scene 5 – On the Way to the Palace + Community Song
Scene 6 – In the Royal Palace

The play ran for approximately 2¼ hours including the interval

Character Quotes:

Carly Barbey (Princess Penelope) I think I know the princess's mind fairly well by now.

Ruth Beasley (Jill) Well, it is a pantomime!

Justine Carter (Harriet the Harp) Is there anything that you want?

Lee Carter (Stringiant, Bean) Asbestos underpants.

Wendy Downs (Sarah Giant) You shouldn't be worried about a few bits of bone in your bread.

Karina Farnlucher (Witch Whey) What harm can come from five small seeds?

Maggie Farnlucher (Queen Anne) I don't expect my daughter to marry one of your subjects, George, thank you very much.

David Green (King George) Well, Jack my lad, what have you done to deserve this?

Lucy Harris (Jack English) That's what happens to rotten eggs!

Paul Kosinski (Widow English) We're ruined!

John McGregor (Stammers) A little rest might be appropriate before we move on, dear lady.

Brad Nicholls (Pungiant, Dunnit) Come along quietly now, or I'll halve your harmonics!

Daniel Radford (Detergiant, Squire Maguire) All I want is my just desserts!

Rod Sharp (Jim Giant) What, for telling awful jokes?

Jo Smith (Gertie the Goose) Hiss!!

Nick Webb (Wizard Wheeze) I'm here to say you've had your day.

Daisy Whillians (Simon Smith) Oxyacetylene?

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