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What a funny old year it's been! Even with 2020 vision we couldn't have forecasted it. We've been lucky as it hasn't affected us personally too much, but for others it's been devastating. And then on top of that there was Brexit!!
Our Christmas week unfolded (see pics): Emma & Sarah managed to meet up at Norman's Bay to exchange gifts; we shared Christmas Day at home with Deb and the Whites and enjoyed playing silly games; some of us took a walk on Ludshott Common and saw what they were doing to 'Cathedral Pines' (basically, removing it!); and yesterday we took a stroll in the sun round the wood outside our back gate (and how lucky we are to have that!).
Jo in Santa jumper at |
Mel & Deb at the 'muddy river' |
Deb & Dil returning home |
Went down to Devizes to meet the Corsham side of Dil's family and swap Xmas presents in the car park also had lunch with them in a pub. Then heard that London was to be locked down, and Deb 'escaped' just in time to be with us for Christmas.
14th December 2020Another week has Zoomed by Theatre Club committee meeting on Monday; saxophone lesson on Tuesday; Pilates on Wednesday; Theatre Club chat evening on Thursday (though nobody turned up!); Green Room on Friday; a day zoomless on Saturday (when we met Sarah, Rick & Ben for lunch at Loxwood, see Sarah, me & Ben right); but finishing up with organising a Christmas Quiz on Sunday. We're doing things on Zoom that we couldn't have done 'live' will we carry on doing it when we're free to meet up and mingle again? |
Our back door won't open! The handle doesn't release the catch fully any more, and wise heads are trying to resolve how to fix the problem. In the meantime we're getting used to using the other exits. Luckily we have them if this were the flat we once had, we'd be stuck inside!
At the end of this week we're told that the 4-week Covid lock-down will end in tiers which is relatively good news for us as we'll be in Tier 2 and able to meet others in gardens & pubs outdoors again. I think. It's all got rather confusing after all this time and the chopping and changing of rules!
On Thursday I gave a Webinar on 'Self-Publishing' to the Society of Women Writers & Journalists I think it went down well you can watch it on Youtube.
On the 15th of the month, 10 months a year, I compile the Headley Parish Magazine and send it (electroniclly) to the printers. This year has been no exception, except that, since there's been very little social activity to report, I've been having to gather interesting historical information to fill the pages instead. Today, for example, I filed a page on the history of Arford Common, just over our back fence. Now a largely wooded area, in the 1920s it had been earmarked as a 'Recreation Ground' with plans for football, cricket, tennis and bowls to be played there. It never happened, and today's parishioners would be aghast at the thought of losing their precious woodland for something like that. Times change.
As we head into another 4 weeks of 'lock-down' it's useful to remember some of the positives that have come out of this year: We've got to know some of our neighbours better through social meetings in the street; we've kept in contact by Zoom with people who we wouldn't normally see each week; I've managed to get some transcribing done of local records, and I've walked every footpath in the Parish; many odd jobs in the house that were waiting for us to get 'a round tuit' have been completed; and there must be more. Always look on the bright side of life!
Headley Theatre Club organised their first Zoom Quiz last week, with various people setting different rounds. I did one on Local History. We plan to do another soon.
Today we took advantage of some fine weather to pop along to see the autumnal colours at Waggoners Wells, completely forgetting it's half term! We managed to get the last space in the car park. The trees have shown some magnificant colours this year.
I've finally finished the project to walk and report on all the footpaths and rights of way in the parish see my webpage on Walks where I've listed my walks books as well as the footpaths. All can be downloaded as PDFs onto mobile devices for those on the move.
Every Saturday night during the pan-crisis we join in a Quiet Knight Inn on Zoom, and it's getting to a point where we've done all our normal pieces so this time I decided to do my version of Françoise Hardy singing Tous Les Garçons et les Filles which I'd learnt decades ago in France. And it seemed to go down well! So now I'm looking at other songs of hers. I might even sing with a long wig and en jupe!
We've been using the time that we should have been in France in doing a bit of tidying up at home including getting to grips with stuff in the side shed which was there just because we thought we 'might need it one day'. There is now a pile to be taken to the tip this week!
The last (meteorological) day of summer! Yesterday Headley Theatre Club held a 'break-out' picnic in a member's large garden 17 of us went to it, and it was nice to see some of them who we'd not seen in the flesh for a while. At the same time, we decided to cancel (again!) our proposed trip to Auderville with Dave & Sarah there's too much chance that we'd be quarantined when we got back. Fortunately the ferry ticket is flexible, so we can use it some time next year when (if!) things get more stable virus-wise.
Someone in Tiverton wants to have a read of my panto scripts so panto lives on! at least in the minds of some. They aren't thinking of using them before next winter, but it's an optimistic 'straw in the wind' to post-coronavirus thinking.
Had a 'drive-through' consultancy at the hospital on Friday my annual pacemaker check. You pull up by an open window at a cabin in the car park and someone dangles a device on a long cable to hold over your pacemaker while their computer runs its checks. Mine was deemed OK. See you next year they hope back inside the hospital, but I rather liked the fact that I didn't have to find and pay for a parking space this time!
Another project starts this week I've received from the County Record Office a digital copy of the first Minute Book of our Parish Council, from 1894 so now for transcription! I'm raising a possee of assistants who I hope will help me knock it off in no time.
We had another 'street party' this week, to celebrate a 70th birthday. All very communal we're meeting the neighbours far more now than pre-Covid.
I've been walking the footpaths of Headley to update the Parish Council's booklet, as I reported earlier. The other week I did nine, and on Sunday a small party of us 'knocked off' another nine of them. We must be about half way through the list now. But I'm finding that writing them up and putting them on the website afterwards takes longer than walking them!
Dil had a week off work, so we decided to go 'on holiday' and visit a few local places: so Monday was Butser Hill for a picnic, Tuesday was the Three Horseshoes at Elsted for lunch in the garden (magnificent view of the South Downs, good food and good service), Wednesday was Loxwood to walk up the towpath of the Wey & Arun Canal before lunch in the canal-side garden of the Onslow Arms (slightly disappointing after Elsted) then by Thursday we were ready for a day ay home! I gave the shrubbery its annual trim and we had an Indian take-away delivered for supper before we logged in to a Murder Mystery by Zoom and it turned out that Dil was the murderer, using cyanide from cherry pips! On Friday I masked up and went to see the dental hygienist, who as usual told me I should be taking more care of my teeth and booked me in for two more appointments!! Another Zoom folk club session on a wet Saturday evening, and lunch in the local pub garden on Sunday. That was the Week that Was.
Dil had her hair done and we visited the recyling tip, both for the first time since lock-down. Other than that, the same old same old.
We went to the local pub for Sunday lunch yesterday to celebrate its re-opening, and it was nice to be there again. We were able to sit in the garden as it was a warm, dry day not sure how it would have been indoors.
I'm about to update the local Footpaths booklet which of course means walking the footpaths. I started on my own back doorstep with the ones on Arford Common and found that they didn't all follow the 'proper' course as shown on OS maps. Let's hope the others are less problematic.
There were a few really hot days during this last week, and Dil had a couple of unexpected days at work, but other than that life has proceeded much as usual for 'these days'.
One unexpected benefit of this lockdown is that we're getting to know all our
neighbours better. On Saturday we had a midsummer picnic 'street party' on the
grass area opposite, and on Sunday an evening drinks gathering there, maintaining
'social distancing' of course. This week coming promises to be a scorcher, so
perhaps more opportunities to meet.
Also, Deb turned up for lunch yesterday in her shiny 'new' car the first
time she'd broken out of London since the start of the viral troubles. It was
good to see her.
The news is that shops are opening again today but in reality we'll hardly notice the difference here. One Stop across the road has been open all the time, and many other local shops have been providing 'necessities' all the time.
I shouldn't have mentioned the weather last week a sunny Spring has
morphed into an overcast June. Let's hope that wasn't summer!
Sarah sent us a lovely rendition of Over
the Rainbow played on her clarinet, with a magical background.
Whatever other problems we've got at the moment, we can't complain about ther
weather. Another glorious sunny weekend, and a few more hot days in prospect.
Of course, I've no doubt they'll soon be talking about water shortages
And now up to six people are allowed to meet together in a garden. Hooray!
Dil bought me a surprise present a plastic 'saxophone' made in China. Looking it up on the web, I see that everyone is saying it's difficult (or impossible) to play, and I agree. But it was a nice thought. Meanwhile, if you want to learn how to play a proper sax, see my daughter Sarah's beginners' sax lesson on Youtube.
Still alive not much new to say, except that I played my version of 'Route 66' ('The Ballad of the A339') in the key of E at the Zoom folk club on Saturday reasonably well, which is encouraging. Meanwhile my grandson Ben is playing drums here in a gig of some quality!
The life of lock-down proceeds in its routine. But at least the weather looks like it's warming up this coming week.
We're Zooming here there and everywhere now! The Saturday night Folk Club goes from strength to strength (see Youtube clip by the Horne family) and the HTC script-reading went well enough for us to try another one this coming week.
We had a very good VE-Day on Friday with most of the street turning out in the sunshine to share cake at a 'social' distance and we met people living here who we'd never met before, so the 'lock-down' has some benefits! Shades of the 1987 'Hurricane'.
My daughter Sarah is giving her music lessons by Youtube if you want
to learn the flute, see
this clip. I'm hoping she might do saxophone lessons, which would benefit
Meanwhile, Dil has bought me a Spanish guitar. Can't remember when I last had
a guitar to play decades ago I think. The fingers of my left hand are
a bit arthritic and I was afraid I couldn't manage the chord shapes, but the
key of E seems OK. Haven't dared tackle C yet.
4th May 2020 'Star Wars Day'We're getting to grips with Zoom now, and have bought a year's subscription
for Headley Theatre Club. The first thing we used it for was today's committee
meeting see participants (right). The meeting took considerably
less time than usual, yet we got through the whole agenda such
are the swings and roundabouts of electronic communication. Unfortunately
one of our number had to sit in Tescos car park to use their wifi because
their own wasn't working at home. |
The 'virtual Folk Evening' was a great success and we plan another this coming
Saturday, perhaps with more people all thanks to Zoom.
Other than that, life continues. Dil is going through the contents of her shed
at the bottom of the garden and finding stuff relating to the history of Headley
Theatre Club which we'd forgotten we had so one of my jobs now is to
look at it, scan what seems worth scanning and adding it to the history section
of the HTC website.
Another Monday, and the fifth week of 'lock-down'begins. A group of us are thinking of organising a 'virtual Folk Evening' later in the week we'll see how it goes.
Easter in lock-down and they say it was one of the warmest Easters ever,
which didn't really help. And they're still talking of another 3 weeks or so
befire we can think of having more freedom.
Mind you, I appreciate that when you read this later it will be in reverse date
order so you'll already know the outcome. Rather like us reading diaries
from the War now and knowing how much longer they had to cope with it, whereas
of course they didn't.
The daily routine during 'lock-down' tends to consist of reading, jigsaw puzzle puzzling and TV watching with a bit of exercise thrown in we have a static bike and try to do half an hour on it each, and I take part in a weekly Pilates session by Zoom (which would normally be in the village hall). Dil does quite a bit of cooking, and she has also been asked to make 'scrubs' (medical clothing) for the local doctors' surgery these are being made from old duvets! Can the NHS really not provide its own?
Meanwhile Spring has sprung and the weather is clement, which makes it all the more frustrating not being able to have communal gatherings, picnics and the like.
So here we are after the first week of 'lock-down' due to the Coronavirus. I see that the first two letters in the Sunday Times yesterday are suggesting that the "Lockdown is more deadly than the disease" and I can't help wondering if that isn't true. During the Asian flu pandemic of 1957, I don't remember any of this sort of panic. I went on holiday in France that summer. Perhaps it wasn't so serious, but perhaps it was because we didn't have internet and social media to hype it up. Who knows? We'll see what the next few weeks bring. I just pity all those poor souls who are now losing businesses, finances and much else beside.
Everyone's been busy cancelling (or, more optimistically, postponing) events this week. We have two holidays booked, but it looks doubtful if we'll be able to take either of them. Food supplies seem OK locally at the moment. Dil has discovered some seeds for lettuce, beans and the like which we bought last year but didn't use maybe we should plant them now. It will have to be in pots, as we have no other place to grow them, unless we start digging up the lawn. Shades of 'Dig for Victory'!
Luckily, before the crisis fully hit, we were able to launch the book on the Farnham Theatres which I'd spent many weeks typesetting. You can buy it on Amazon.
We took the opportunity last week while we over-70s were still allowed
to get out and about! to visit some old haunts, including the village
of Chalfont St Giles where I grew up. Some things had changed since the 1940s,
but I noticed that Warners the butchers is still there; I remember it with sawdust
on the floor.
I took the picture of the WW2 soldiers through a shop window part of
a display of old photos. I would have been born about the time the photo was
9th March 2020Great fun last week watching the tree opposite our house being taken down by tree surgeons. |
All the news is about the Coronavirus spreading round the world and disrupting people's lives one way or another. One potential plus side is that an economic downturn may ease global warming. You win some, you lose some.
There was I, paintbrush in hand and dripping with white gloss from doing the
doors in the kitchen, when the doorbell rang and there was a man from BT wanting
to check our broadband. Not really a convenient time, but he insisted it had
to be done then and there, so in he came and fiddled around with the phone wires
while I carried on painting.
It turns out that the new router doesn't like working with the tangle of old
wires leading to the office from the master phone socket so we moved
it to the hall and plugged it directly into a new master socket which the man
fitted (free of charge) and all was well as far as he was concerned. Only trouble
was that it needed a power point to be fitted in the hall so my next
job, after finishing the painting, was to find an extension lead and enveigle
it through an internal wall to plug into an existing socket in the lounge. Luckily
I still know how to wire up a plug safely!
We bit the bullet and decided to redecorate the kitchen. A certain chaos now
prevails in the house!
But at least we were largely spared the ravages of the latest storm (Dennis)
to hit the country.
The country was hit by storm 'Ciara' yesterday and although we were generally sheltered here, a tree came down and blocked our road yesterday afternoon. It also hit a parked car, though fortunately nobody was injured. After much communal activity and the help of a retired tree surgeon, the road was cleared and the wood (acacia) piled up on the grass verge. Added a bit of excitement to an otherwise dull day!
So, we're finally out. The UK formally left the EU on Friday 31st January 2020.
I never thought it would happen but that's because I'd always hoped that
common sense would prevail over parochial bigotry. I was wrong. I think it will
come to be seen as a very bad decision.
When fish leave the shoal, or birds the flock, they are likely to be picked
off by large predators. Why does this country feel strong enough to take on
the world while not strong enough to take on and guide Europe? It makes no sense.
So now we leave the management of continental Europe in the hands of ther Germans
again. That didn't turn out too well in the 20th Century, did it?
I've been typesetting books for several people over the past few months: Grayshott,
from Then to Now; Marks in the Sand; A Tale of Two Theatres;
and Inspector William Donaldson.
The end of January marks the end of this procession of books, so I'll have to
find something else to do with my spare time. I'd quite like to write another
play, but can't easily think of a suitable subject.
Meanwhile there's various things to do for Headley
Theatre Club, as Dil and I are running a 'Green Room' in a month's time
and directing the Summer Show in July which will be an homage to WW2
and we still have to write the 'script'.
Have pantomimes had their day? We did a brilliant show over the last two weekends (6 performances) but had the lowest turn-out of audience ever. Perhaps they're all watching Netflix now!
The first weekend of Snow White went well see
Now we're into that 'between shows' week when we've still got our minds on the
performances to come, but we also have time to think about other things for
Back from a cruise on Friday, we got plunged straight in to panto preparations! This year it's Snow White.